
South Australian artist, Haythem Raslan is best known for his intuitive artwork and distinctive personalised paintings. His most notable painting is titled “The Circle of Harmony”, (2011, mixed medium on canvas) representing a globsalised future, where he uses butterfly shaped flags of every country in the world. The concept stems from his belief in the power of love, peace, and unity – he raises funds for various charities in South Australia by selling printed copies online and at events.

Renowned for his art therapy workshops, Haythem first discovered the power of healing after a major eye injury in 2013. He now dedicates and volunteers his time to share this knowledge in local community centres, hospitals, and churches. He is a resident artist of the Glenelg Art Gallery and a member of the Circle of Arts Foundation.

While intuitively exploring his working style, Haythem begins his process with healing mediations and channels celestial energy. Each piece explores a range of colours and mixed mediums.

Haythem has held many events and exhibitions since 2015, including South Australia’s SALA Festival and the Adelaide Fringe – Haythem continues to dedicate his time to bringing more healing and beauty to the world through art.

“We are the creators of our own perfection” ~ H. Raslan